Food choices are important for the climate. Food production and processing are major drivers of global CO2 emissions and contribute to the majority of a meal’s emissions. Knowing the environmental impact of certain foods can help you make more informed choices about the meals you cook at home. We have calculated the carbon footprint of our meals to give you the information you need to make more sustainable food choices.
When comparing the environmental impact of recipes, the most common metric is “CO2 equivalent” (CO2e), which includes the greenhouse gases that are emitted into the atmosphere during the production and processing of ingredients. CO2e is a more accurate representation of the climate impact of a recipe because it includes all relevant greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane and carbon dioxide, not just CO2. Your HelloFresh recipes reflect a calculation model that considers the greenhouse gas emissions generated by each of the ingredients included in your recipes.
HelloFresh has partnered with HowGood to calculate the CO2e impact of ingredients. HowGood has the world's largest database for product and ingredient sustainability, and draws data from hundreds of third-party scientific and peer-reviewed studies to conduct an ingredient-level CO2e impact assessment. We calculate the emissions per serving based on this information and the precise weight of each ingredient in your recipes.
The CO2e impact is analysed for every ingredient according to each HelloFresh region, taking into account the geographic growing and processing practices of every location. In some cases, when data is not available for an ingredient, we carefully select similar ingredients to use as estimates for the CO2e impact.