Below is a list of postcodes we don’t currently deliver to:
Some of our customers don't like to receive boxes every week. The beauty of our self-managed subscription is, you don't have to. You can skip deliveries up to 4 weeks at a time. [TIP: Remember any changes to your subscription must be made by the deadline, which is 11:59 PM five days prior to your delivery.]
Yes, you can easily change your delivery day on your account. [TIP: Remember any changes to your subscription must be made by the deadline, which is 11:59 PM five days prior to your delivery.]
There may be some changes to your delivery day over Bank Holiday weekends. Please make sure you check your emails and the app for any updates. We do everything we can to ensure that our deliveries are not affected but if we foresee any disruptions, we will let you know. Please keep an eye on the website and your emails. You can also select your area to see if your delivery is affected. Take a look at your subscription calendar for any updates.
Don't worry! We operate a leave safe policy which means you do not need to be in to sign for your delivery. Our delivery drivers will simply leave the box, following the instructions that you specify in the 'Delivery Address' section of your 'Plan Settings'. All our boxes contain special insulation and ice packs to keep your groceries fresh (whatever the weather), just make sure you pop the ingredients in the fridge as soon as you can. [TIP: Keep your delivery instruction short and simple, phone numbers are not the most effective leave safe comment - not all our drivers carry mobile phones and make sure the leave safe is accessible]
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