Soup Recipes

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Soup Recipes and Meal Ideas

Soup recipes offer a delicious way to enjoy a warm, comforting meal that's both versatile and nutritious. Whether you're in the mood for a classic chicken noodle soup or an exotic miso broth, there's a soup recipe to satisfy all taste buds.

How to Make the Best Soup

Creating the best soup starts with fresh, high-quality ingredients, as they are the foundation of a tasty broth. Start by sautéing aromatics like onions, garlic, and celery to build a rich, flavourful base. You can then add herbs and spices at this stage to enhance the flavour even more so. Once your broth is ready, you can add a variety of vegetables, proteins, and grains to add texture and nutrition.
Soup of our favourite ingredients in soup recipes include:
  1. Carrots and potatoes
  2. Leafy greens like spinach or kale
  3. Chicken or beef
  4. Lentils or beans
  5. Tomatoes
  6. Fresh herbs like parsley, thyme, and coriander
  7. Noodles
  8. Cream or coconut milk
  9. Mushrooms
When you’re happy with your ingredients, let them simmer in your broth to cook and meld flavours. You can then leave it chunky or blitz in a blender for a creamier soup, before garnishing with fresh herbs, a drizzle of olive oil, or a sprinkle of cheese to serve.

What to Serve with Soup

Many soup recipes can make a delicious stand alone meal, especially when you add super satisfying ingredients such as chunks of meat and hearty grains or legumes. However, if you’re opting for a lighter soup such as a tomato or vegetable, there are many sides you can add to accompany it.
Some of the most delicious sides to serve with soup include:
  • Crusty bread or a warm baguette
  • Cheese toasties
  • Quiche
  • Garlic bread
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Stuffed mushrooms
  • Bruschetta
  • Cheese scones
  • Antipasto skewers
  • Stuffed peppers
  • Soft pretzels
Soup can also make a tasty starter as a prelude to a range of cuisines. French onion soup is a popular French starter, before serving meals such as coq au vin or beef bourguignon. Meanwhile, miso soup is a traditional Japanese starter, often enjoyed before dishes like sushi or ramen.

Soup Recipe FAQs

How do I thicken soup?

To thicken soup, you can use methods like adding a roux (butter and flour mixture), blending some of the soup, or adding cornstarch.

Can you freeze soup?

Yes, you can freeze soup. Allow it to cool completely, then transfer it to a freezer-safe container, leaving some space for expansion, and freeze for up to 3 months.

How long does soup last in the fridge?

Soup typically lasts 3-4 days in the fridge when stored in an airtight container.

How do I defrost soup?

To defrost soup, transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator and allow it to thaw overnight. Alternatively, you can gently reheat it on the stovetop or in the microwave.

Can you freeze soup?

Yes, you can freeze soup. Allow it to cool completely, then transfer it to a freezer-safe container, leaving some space for expansion, and freeze for up to 3 months.

How do I make soup less salty?

To make soup less salty, try diluting it with unsalted broth or water, adding more vegetables, or balancing the flavour with a bit of sweetness, like a splash of apple cider vinegar or a pinch of sugar.

How do I make soup less spicy?

To make soup less spicy, try adding dairy like cream or yoghurt to mellow the heat, balancing it with acidity like lemon juice or vinegar, or adding starchy ingredients like potatoes or rice to absorb some of the spice.

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Soup Recipes

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